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About Us

Who We Are

Dr. Wong is 1 of 300 doctors worldwide trained in the NUCCA procedure and has attained Level 1 of the NUCCA Board Certification.

Dr. Wong holds a Bachelors in Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior from the University of California Davis. He graduated from Life Chiropractic College West in the San Francisco Bay Area.

“Overcoming childhood asthma, I realized that the body was much more capable than what modern medicine had led me to believe.”

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After working as an EMT for 2 years and conducting research in pharmaceutical toxicology and neuroscience for 2 years, he decided to get his Doctorate of Chiropractic and focus on Structural Correction through the NUCCA procedure.

“I heard about NUCCA from a friend that was specializing in it. Knowing what I knew about the human body, going into NUCCA just made sense, both neurologically and physiologically. I knew there was a better way to help people, and I’ve found it!”

Dr. Wong is happily married to his wife, and they are enjoying every moment with their son and daughter.

Get Relief and Your Life Back with Gentle Upper Neck Chiropractic Care

Safe For Sensitive Bodies

Corrections are gentle without twisting, pulling, or popping.

Find Relief

Heal naturally and get relief from your symptoms when your body structure is restored.

Measurement Based

Your care is based upon measurements of the body and detailed structural X-ray analysis.

Most People Don’t Realize…

Most people don’t realize that the upper neck can cause chronic pain, headaches, migraines, and vertigo. Through NUCCA care, Optimal Chiropractic provides gentle, proven care so people can find relief, be more active, and stop missing out.

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